The ECF Story
Since its inception in 1973, Eliza Corwin Frost Child Center of Christ Church (ECF) has provided children with strong foundations of social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development through dynamic learning experiences and partnerships with parents and the community.
The school, which was one of the first programs of its kind, was established as a living memorial to Eliza Corwin Frost, the young daughter of Bronxville residents, Randy and Corwin Frost. They continue to be an vibrant part of the ECF community. An enthusiastic group of parents and volunteers worked alongside Christ Church staff and vestry to create an appropriate environment for very young children.
The ECF integrated progressive model has evolved over the years into a quality early childhood program that draws on the talents of local yoga instructors, musicians, cooks, and early childhood physical education specialists. Knowing the importance of year-round gross motor play, the school offers both an indoor and outdoor play area that children are able to access daily, regardless of the weather.
Eliza Corwin Frost has a longstanding commitment to an emergent curriculum that builds on the curiosity and interests of children in the classroom. Our approach invites children to play an active role in guiding the direction of their learning experience. They are encouraged to explore their world through diverse mediums and to collaborate with one another and their teachers on extended projects. We implement the documentation of the children's work in the classroom through a variety of formats, including newsletters, photographic hall displays, and video recordings. The documentation of children's work also builds community in the classroom, and increases communication between teachers and parents.
It is the mission of Eliza Corwin Frost to welcome and nurture all children and families as they journey through very early childhood. Our dedicated faculty embraces their part in this unique stage of development. We aspire to ignite the spark of curiosity and enthusiasm that sets the stage for a lifetime of learning.